Plumbers in Wirral

Web Design Advice For Plumbers Operating In Wirral

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If you are a local plumber in the metropolitan area of Wirral, and you are trying your best to attract more customers, you may want to consider getting a website. If you can do this, you will be able to find people that are surfing on the web, currently looking for a plumber in this northwest England location. If you are one of many plumbers that are available, you will be a potential contender for their business once they arrive at your site. However, it is the design of your site that can make or break your efforts to generate more customers using this strategy. Here is how you can design your website to get more customers if you are a plumbers Wirral.

Wirral Map 5How To Design The Front Page Of Your Website

The front page of your website is essentially an advertisement for your business. They are going to see the name of your business, contact information, and learn about the services that you offer. All of this needs to be compelling enough to cause them to stay. To motivate them to stay longer, you can add a video that starts playing the moment they arrive, acting as a sales pitch for your services. You must have the name of your business and logo at the top left corner. Some people may even prefer to have it at the top centre. There should also be a subscriber box that either pops up, or shows up on the right column. In the middle of your page is where you will describe the business, the services that you offer, and present links that they can click on. These will match the hyperlinks on the right side, and the left column should be reserved for perhaps a banner advertisement offering a special deal for first-time customers.

Less Is Actually More

A large mistake that many people make when designing a website is to put too much on the front page. If it is too busy, they will likely experience sensory data overload, trying to process everything that is there in the span of a few seconds. That’s why you only need to have the name of your company, a brief introduction to your business, and a special offer that they can take advantage of. You also want to have your autoresponder pop up, or at least have a way for them to subscribe to get a discount on your services, so that you can contact them later on.

By designing your Wirral plumbing website in this manner, you will motivate people to stay in perhaps look at more of your information. You may also want to put a drop down menu at the top, allowing them to quickly navigate to the different types of services that you can provide. Most importantly, have your phone number at the top right, along with the address to your company. All of this information, if presented in this manner, can help you improve the number of customers that you can obtain using this form of online marketing.